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Abstracts and Bibliographies

After eleven annual bibliographies that we mailed out to our mailing list of 2200+, we regret to say that we have had to discontinue the IPSA ABSTRACTS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. We have had money problems, and problems finding the time to do it. That’s the bad news. The good news is that many of the indexes we used to prepare the bibliography are available online or in your local library (PSYCINFO, the MLA bibliography, MEDLINE, and so on). To some extent, the Bibliography represents a duplication of effort, at any rate, effort we can no longer afford.

If you wish to receive a paper copy of the 1996 Bibliography or any earlier year, send e-mail to Sonja Moreno. We would appreciate a payment of $10 U.S. for each copy.

Some of the IPSA ABSTRACTS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY are now also available electronically through anonymous ftp and html:

IPSA Abstracts and Bibliography 1993
IPSA Abstracts and Bibliography 1993
IPSA Abstracts and Bibliography 1993
IPSA Abstracts and Bibliography 1993

We intended IPSA ABSTRACTS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY to provide as comprehensive a coverage of recent work done in literature-and-psychology as possible. To that end, each annual issue of IPSA ABSTRACTS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY included the following:

Abstracts of forthcoming work.

A Bibliography of books published during the previous year. (Number 11 included books published between 1 January 1995 and 1 March 1996, with a few extras.)

A Bibliography of articles published during the previous year. (Number 11 included articles published between 1 January 1995 and 1 March 1996, with a few extras.)

Indexes to the bibliographies.

Announcements of conferences, publications, and other matters of interest to the profession.

Our purpose with IPSA ABSTRACTS AND BIBLIOGRAPHY was to speed the dissemination of current research in literature and psychology.